Single Page Application built with react which allows you to create polls and vote on them. It uses MongoDB, NodeJS, React and Express.
Timer that is designed to increase your productivity by breaking down your work time in small intervals of 25 minutes and 5 minutes for break.
It is a memory game meant to test your concentration. You are presented with a random series of button presses which you need to repeat by clicking on the buttons.
An app that lets you search for articles on wikipedia.
Shows a random quote that you can tweet.
Shows your local weather for today.
A calculator that lets you do basic calculations.
A tic-tac-toe game which you can play against a computer.
A recipe box that allows you to save recipes in your browser's local storage.
Leaderboard showing the people who have gotten the most points in the last 30 days.
Gives you a preview of the markup as you type.
An api for shortening or masking URLs. You send a request with the url you would like to shorten and it returns an url which redirects to the specified website.
An api for searching images. Takes a search phrase as input and returns 10 results containing image url and thumbnail.
An api for convertin natural dates(Januaray 30 2017) to unix(secounds since January 1st 1970) and the other way around.
An api that returns the size of the uploaded file in kilobytes.
An api that returns the user's IP address, Operative system and language.